Best one yet.
I hate people that are taking this too seriously. It's a fucking cartoon. The plot is funny as hell. I knew Leo would come back but I thought maybe in the next episode, but he doesn't. He comes back on this episode at the very end.
The jokes were refering back to old ones and that is good. What is being done here is developing character and story. So far we have Leo and Satan, the stranger, and the old woman. Stop suggesting fucking plots to O'Neil cause he probably doesn't give a shit. Part of being an animator is to come up with orginal ideas. People should stop complaining about the voices, they are goofy for a purpose--and they fit perfectly. The humour is the same which is good, and reading though some of these reviews I don't understand why people are disapointed with the cartoon. Like I said, it a moive. The real problem here is that people are relying on this series too much and thinking of so many good ideas and getting excited, and then when the episode comes out it's not how you wanted it so you all bitch about it. btw I'm talking to the few whinny little kids that decide to review this.
The series is legendary, and is bigger and better than some shows on TV nowadays. I would rather watch this than Family Guy (don't bitch if you like Family Guy it's just my opinion).
Anyways, the ending had a nice twist the plot was funny and simple and that's what counts. The characters are likable as they have always been and the humour is so crude and silly that it makes us laugh. Btw IF YOU ARE WONDERING why Leo went to hell, well let's recap. He lives with Satan, did cocaine, suggested stealing the stuff from the trash can, and he draws dicks all over his homework and walls and stuff. The kid is a rascal. He's not pure evil, but the more he hangs around with Satan the more crude he gets. SO THERE. Stop bitching people. This is pure gold. Pure fucking gold.
two thumbs up.
This series is perfect, Chris please don't change anything due to fan request because that will ruin it. Not saying you are thinking about it but just saying.
Great job. Now I'm going to scroll up and replay this.